Friday, October 23, 2009

Another Friday is upon us. I am supremely excited about this because I have decided I'm not doing ANYTHING this weekend. Well, let me rephrase: I will be eating, sleeping, watching tv/movies, and perhaps carving a pumpkin, but other than that I won't be doing ANYTHING.

I feel guilty about this. I plan to do as little as possible which, in itself, seems a little selfish. But, every now and then, I just need to drop off the radar and reboot. I was talking to a coworker about this, and she pointed out how so many women share the same feeling. If we aren't actively helping someone or doing something productive, we feel guilty. What's that about? Does everyone feel this way? Or is it just women? Do you feel this way?

I suppose I could babble on about why this happens, how it's socially ingrained into women from day one that they need to take care of others, blah, blah, blah. Point is, I find it unfair.

So, I've decided that the PC thing to do is to be okay with my sloth. At least I know it's only temporary. If this were an every day occurrence I'm sure my husband, along with several major creditors, would have something to say about it. Not to mention the lard that would accumulate on my person, and potentially make friends with the lard that's already around. The last thing I need is an uprising among my fatty cells. The sheer force of their combined will might lead to something crazy, like exercise.

And now, an anecdote.

Yesterday at work I found a pile of magazines on my desk, waiting to be processed and shelved. This is not unusual, as I am the person who tends to process such things. However, this time the pile was affixed with a note that read "miscellaneous issues." I couldn't help but wonder if that phrase wasn't why they were put on my desk and not the desk of someone less likely to write an entire blog about why she shouldn't feel guilty for taking a few days to relax.

Miscellaneous issues, indeed.

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