Friday, October 31, 2008


So, I've been totally wrong about ignoring a blog. Oops.

But I am resolving to be better about posting. Whether or not anyone is reading is unknown, but I will keep typing away.

Halloween is upon us. I am SUPER excited about this. I am taking off early from work so I can see all the adorable little trick-or-treaters. I'm absolutely sure that this excitement will fade once we are away from our first year as homeowners, but for now it's the bees knees.

Speaking of homeownership, we had a housewarming party this past weekend. I was pleasantly surprised to see that we can draw a crowd. To be honest with you, I wasn't completely convinced that we'd have that many people show up, seeing as we normally lead the life of recluses (the weirdos, not the spiders), but we did and it was a great time. Plus, we got presents.

Being the dunces that we are, Brian and I didn't even consider that people would buy us stuff. We just thought it would be fun to have people over and get to show off our new home. The presents were just a bonus I suppose.

So that's all I've got really. I am slowly (ok...not so slowly) getting excited about Christmas. I love all the fall/winter holidays, but they are all overshadowed by Christmas. I want to start looking at ornaments and decorations and maybe even listening to Christmas music, but in my heart of hearts I know that I need to wait another month before I do.

Or at least until it snows. Or is November. Which is tomorrow. :)