Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sick Time

Good news everyone!

Operation Do Nothing went off without a hitch. It was 2 straight days of bliss.

And now, as if to prove to me that sloth has consequences, The Universe has seen fit to make my neck immobile. I can look right with no problems...looking left? No, not so much. For a while I was convinced I had meningitis but in the absence of , oh I don't know, symptoms...I decided I probably don't.

This week my sister has surgery, my mom has swine flu, her partner-man is recovering from surgery, and I have ceased to appreciate the beauty of everything to the left. I'm thinking one of us is slightly less inconvenienced than the others...SISTER, I'M LOOKING AT YOU.

No, not really. I know I'm fine (although this is one wicked muscle cramp) while everyone else is dealing with rough stuff. It's just that in times like this, when it feels like everything is falling apart or broken, it's easier for me to make light of the situation than deal with it head on. In reality I'm very concerned about these developments, but what can you do except wake up and hope that nothing else goes wrong?

In my heart of hearts I know that everything will turn out alright. And really, none of this directly affects me. It's just always a bummer when people you love are dealing with difficult situations that you can't influence either way.

I'll be happy when everyone is well again and/or healing.

This reminds me of a Demetri Martin quote. He said, "I see cards that say 'Get Well Soon.' **** that. Get well now."

My sentiments exactly.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Another Friday is upon us. I am supremely excited about this because I have decided I'm not doing ANYTHING this weekend. Well, let me rephrase: I will be eating, sleeping, watching tv/movies, and perhaps carving a pumpkin, but other than that I won't be doing ANYTHING.

I feel guilty about this. I plan to do as little as possible which, in itself, seems a little selfish. But, every now and then, I just need to drop off the radar and reboot. I was talking to a coworker about this, and she pointed out how so many women share the same feeling. If we aren't actively helping someone or doing something productive, we feel guilty. What's that about? Does everyone feel this way? Or is it just women? Do you feel this way?

I suppose I could babble on about why this happens, how it's socially ingrained into women from day one that they need to take care of others, blah, blah, blah. Point is, I find it unfair.

So, I've decided that the PC thing to do is to be okay with my sloth. At least I know it's only temporary. If this were an every day occurrence I'm sure my husband, along with several major creditors, would have something to say about it. Not to mention the lard that would accumulate on my person, and potentially make friends with the lard that's already around. The last thing I need is an uprising among my fatty cells. The sheer force of their combined will might lead to something crazy, like exercise.

And now, an anecdote.

Yesterday at work I found a pile of magazines on my desk, waiting to be processed and shelved. This is not unusual, as I am the person who tends to process such things. However, this time the pile was affixed with a note that read "miscellaneous issues." I couldn't help but wonder if that phrase wasn't why they were put on my desk and not the desk of someone less likely to write an entire blog about why she shouldn't feel guilty for taking a few days to relax.

Miscellaneous issues, indeed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


For the past few days I've been getting headaches pretty much everyday. This is due, in large part, to the fact that every single person in the Northwest side of the city has recently decided to come to the library. Which, I might point out, is great for the library. For my brain, not really.

I am complaining about a stupid thing, I know. But as a person who is relatively headache-free in her normal life, this is seriously annoying.

On a different note, we did not carve pumpkins this weekend as it is due to hit the high 60's in temperature tomorrow. I remain unconvinced. Mother nature is a fickle woman, and I think she lies. Oh, I'll wear a short sleeved shirt tomorrow. You know I will. And you know what? She'll make it snow. Cause that's all she has to do with her time--mess with me.

Oh...also, could anyone explain what delusions of grandeur actually are? Thanks.

I've been in a real wedding state of mind lately. I think it's because of all the wedding-based television so popular today (Thanks, TLC.) I need someone to get married so that I can quiet the wedding withdrawal shakes I've got going on over here.

I've always been a big proponent of weddings. In college I looked online for dresses and cakes and all that jazz (theknot.com is possibly the best thing that ever happened to a teenage Rachael.) Not because I thought I'd get married soon. No, no. It's because I was crazy. I just think weddings are nice. I'm not alone. My college roommate had a similar affliction when we met. Must have been something in the water.

Still though, at a wedding you get to see everyone all dressed up and smiley. Plus there is cake. I like cake. Possibly more than I like weddings. My waistline is a living testament to that statement. Well, that statement and many others concerning my questionable eating and drinking habits. But I digress.

If you are thinking of getting married, why not go for it? Make quick work of it, too. That way I can attend. How's December sound? Great.

Bring Ibuprofen. At this rate, I might have a headache.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Yay for Friday.

As always, I'm really excited for the weekend. Although I have been working on a blog that is not quite ready for publication, I'm feeling guilty for not having a post this week. So, I'm going to go with random bulleted thoughts.

  • I'm thinking this weekend we might carve pumpkins. But then again, the weather might heat up and leave us with carved raisins. Decisions, decisions.

  • Does anyone else think it's kind of creepy to see adults dressed up for Halloween? I don't know. I mean, it's fun, but a little surreal to see your businessman neighbor dressed up as a sea creature.

  • For some unknown reason, a Beatles song popped in to my head this morning. Ask me the last time I heard this song. A LONG TIME AGO. I'll never understand the synapses in my brain and how they conspire against me. Do I remember that coworker's name? No. Do I remember nearly every word of dialogue in Wayne's World? Yes.

  • I'm sick of Jon and Kate and their eight psychiatric cases. I feel for those kids. And I can't wait for Maddy or Cara to publish their tell-all in a few years. Mommy Dearest, anyone?

  • I've begun Christmas shopping. If only I had any idea what to give the other 15 people on my list. Gum?

  • There is a distinct part of my brain that is considering appletinis right now. I may have to oblige.

  • So, I checked out the CD Veckatimest by Grizzly Bear. Umm...not sure about it. I want to like it, I really do. But it's a bit odd. It might work on some kind of zen level, the kind of level achieved by years of meditation and yoga, but it definitely doesn't work in my car after work. I'm sorry.

Please, to enjoy...our pumpkins from last year:

With that I say enjoy your weekend, friends.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What time is it?

Last night as I was checking my email and whatnot, trying to figure out if I'd missed any shocking events over the weekend, I discovered that this website did not have accurate time stamps. I was reading old posts and discovered that according to Blogger, I am the worst employee ever. What with my constant posting during work hours and all...

Suffice it to say, I promise this is not the case. I was set to Pacific Time. I guess my wishful thinking for warmer weather extended all the way to my supposed location. For the record, I do not live in California. I live in Indiana. I'm positive.

Anyhow, I'm pretty sure I fixed it. Oops. Apologies all around.

On a different note, I've been attempting to eat more consciously as of late. I even joined (read: rejoined after months of neglect and ice cream eating) the website caloriecount.about.com.

This site is glorious. It is a little time consuming since you have to look up all your foods, or build a meal from ingredients sometimes, but man oh man is it helpful. It gives you the full breakdown of what you are eating and even helps you set a goal date for weight loss. Seeing as I don't own a scale, I have no idea if it is working yet, but I'm on what you might call the "slow and steady" plan. I'll keep you posted. Or, if I eat a bag of Oreos, I won't. Those are the breaks, my friends.

And finally, Happy Columbus Day everyone! In the spirit of our (and I use this word loosely) forefather, let today inspire you to steal a country of your very own...wait, that's not right...is it? What is this holiday for anyway? Maybe we should rename it Accident Day. Ooohh...or maybe Serendipity Day? That might put a positive spin on this armpit of a situation.

At any rate, it's a holiday and I am not baking a cake. Now that? That is what I call progress.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rainy Friday

Today was the first day that I've really felt those wintertime blues. And I'm not the only one who's noticed. One of my lovely co-workers made the same comment yesterday. It's just so blah out. Winter is approaching.

So, I just wrote this really long-winded paragraph about Swine flu and regular flu and all that jazz, but it seemed way too depressing so I deleted it. All I can say is those who are sick; I pray for your speedy recovery. Those who are healthy; I pray you stay that way. Those who don't get the vaccine; wash your hands. Those who do get the vaccine; wash your hands.

Let's all look forward to sunnier days.

On a lighter note, Lady Gaga has stopped being in my head. Look! I can even say her name without thinking of that song...Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga.

She has been replaced by my new favorite song, Coney Island by Death Cab for Cutie. In no way, shape, or form is this an actual new song, but it is relatively new to me and I have decided I like it.

I got this link from YouTube. Looks like it's just a couple of dudes who made a video to the song, (maybe just listen to the song part...unless you really dig water and lighthouses) but it says they are from St. Joe so I'm trying to do my part in representing Michiana. Enjoy!

And Happy Friday!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So I thought I'd actually try to keep this thing up for a while even if it turns out that I'm the only reader. I figure that it will be kind of funny to look back later in life and see what sorts of topics were troubling my young mind.


  • I basically never listen to the radio. However, I happened to catch Lady Gaga's song "Paparazzi" several times while scrolling through stations and now it's in my head. Like, really in my head. This displeases me. And simultaneously pleases me. Stupid catchy tune.
  • Plus, what the heck is wrong with that woman? Does she need help? Call me if you need to talk, Ms. Gaga. I'm listening. (channeling my inner Frasier Crane)
  • The holidays are just around the corner. Well, not really. But there's something about the fall that instantly makes me think of Christmas. Not really fair to Halloween though. Or Thanksgiving. Must resolve to appreciate said holidays more.
  • Although, last year we gave out full size candy bars on Halloween. Let me tell you, there is nothing like it. NOTHING. The kids instantly love you. Plus, it's not really that much more expensive. If we didn't spend it on candy, we'd spend it on something else. Why not make 'em happy?
  • And, I have to say, if we ever get egged on Halloween, I'm hunting you down. Unappreciative bastards. My love is not free. Just ask Brian. That man is a saint for what he puts up with.
  • Just realized I equated love with candy bars. Hmm...what does that say about me? Any ideas, Mother? Sister? Future child I have yet to ruin?
  • I'm pretty sure the food thing is why I like Christmas too. I may have to do some soul searching. Or candy bar eating. Which, in all honesty, is way more fun anyway.

  • I'm making Zatarain's for dinner. Oh how I love you, jazz playing Zatarain's man. I don't know if you are supposed to be Louis Armstrong, but you sound like him. I would recommend the Smothered Chicken or Dirty Rice mix, if you have not already experienced the beauty.
And that is what I like to call Wednesday.