Tuesday, March 16, 2010



The elliptical is finally assembled.

Why, yes, it is massive. Don't worry. This room previously only housed my wedding dress and our computer. Now they have a friend. Constructive use of living space!

My sister and I actually put it together last Sunday. At first I thought she was kidding when she volunteered to help, but it turns out she is a very handy assistant. And this was her first time assembling a major appliance. AND she was able to put up with my outrageous assembly methods (READ: yelling and cursing.) Not a small feat by any stretch of the imagination. I sense she has a career ahead of her in the field of "building assistant." And by career I mean I will call her every time I buy something that needs assembling. You're welcome, sis. Glad I could help you reach the stars.

She and I put the elliptical together while Brian stayed downstairs and kept an eye on our nephew. I heard a lot of scuffling, but as I did not hear any crying (on Brian's part) and/or glass shattering (probably on nephew's part), I figured all was well. And it was. Although I never knew a five year old could find a house void of toys and other children quite so fascinating. I don't think I've ever met someone so enamored with stairs. You can walk up them! And then back down! You can sit on them! Crawl up them! And if no one is looking, you can JUMP DOWN 3 AT A TIME!

Just FYI. Something to try when the conversation lags at your next dinner party.

So anyway, this begins the long haul to whip my flabby appendages into shape. I'm really excited about it, especially now that the machine is fully operational. So excited, in fact, that I bought a scale. I haven't owned one of those since, well, EVER. I pretty much prefer to be in denial, but what with this new machine and all, I figured I'd better know where I'm starting in order to know how far I've gone. Depressing? Yes. Necessary? Debatable. But I'm going with it.

My sister keeps trying to get me to run a 5K with her. It's really sweet of her to even think I could do such a thing. But come on. Really? I can barely muster the energy to do my taxes, let alone compete in a foot race with athletic types. Unless it's the apocalypse, I'm just not competing with those people.

I'm all about keeping my goals reasonable. I've been exercising in the mornings before work, and even this past Saturday morning. These facts, combined with other factors, known as Life, are why I've just now decided to go eat some cookies. But only 2. Not the 12 I'd usually eat. CAN'T YOU JUST SENSE THE PERSONAL GROWTH?

Who needs a 5K to chart my progress when I have the soon-to-be-falling stock of Nabisco?

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