Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holidays and Penicillin

My apologies. I wrote this last Wednesday and thought I published it. I did not. So, a little belatedly, a new post for you.

Well world, I'm sick.

I've been trying to deny it for at least 2 days now, but the fact of the matter is that I am under the weather.

***If I may, can we have a little sidebar here? I mean, what is "under the weather" anyway? Does anyone know? Seriously, I'd like to know. Aren't we ALL under the weather, ALL the time? I guess you could be in a plane during a storm and be over the weather but really other than that you are under the weather.***

Anyway, I pretty much knew this illness was coming because I haven't had a healthy Christmas in years. I think it's karma's way of keeping me humble.

Take, for instance, Christmas of 2007. It was actually a really really awesome Christmas. No fighting, no hurt feelings, no stress. But, Brian and I were both sick. We actually skipped out on a Christmas Eve festivity due to our illness. We stayed home with a bucket of KFC (mmm...unnaturally raised chicken) and an ER marathon of the Christmas themed episodes from County General's past. What in the world took Hathaway so long to realize she should be with Doug and not that psychopath Shep?

But, I digress.

So, yes, I do sort of remember that particular Christmas fondly, but I also really like to fondly remember this little thing called breathing in and out with no hint of struggle. So there you go.

Against the medical advise of pretty much every doctor I've ever known, I'm self-medicating. Meaning that I had a penicillin refill from a tooth extraction a few months ago and I am now taking said penicillin for the sinus infection that I'm positive I have.

It seems to be working. I'm no longer breathing like a donkey with sleep apnea and I've been able to inhale through my nose all day. Huzzah! Who needs a fancy M.D. when I can just fix myself. Thank you, internet and history of nasal problems for pointing me in the right direction.

I'm now ready to celebrate the holidays. We've got a Christmas morning gathering and another gathering that afternoon. This pretty much guarantees that we'll be busy all day long and will want nothing more than to crash at home by the end of the day. I'm really looking forward to it actually.

For Christmas Eve, we are more or less playing it by ear. It's supposed to be terrible weather and the last thing I want to be is dead for Christmas. Brian and I are thinking that maybe another holiday at home (a la 2007) might be in order. Make some beef and noodles, pop in a video, and just relax.

Oddly enough, this coincides perfectly with my plan to bake delicious things and nap. It's amazing when these things come together like that.

Happy Holidays!

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