- Thanksgiving went well. Turkey was not dry or burnt to a crisp and it actually got a few compliments. A successful turkey was really my only goal. Well, that and stopping any potential bloodshed. I hear it's nearly impossible to get blood out of carpets. Nearly.
- I can not believe Christmas is almost here. Could it have anything to do with this ridiculously nice weather? I submit that it does.
- Please Mother Nature, do not cause a blizzard to engulf my house tonight while I sleep.
- If you don't watch Modern Family on ABC (or, as I like to call it, The Manny Show) then I don't care to know you. Tune in folks! You can thank me later.
- I need a new CD to listen to. Any suggestions?
- For serious, I cannot think of what to buy people for Christmas. Is it acceptable to give everyone an I.O.U. until I think of appropriate replacements?
- This reminds me, I need to send out Christmas cards. However, I have lost my address book. Well, it's not so much a book as it is a loose stack of papers that I tend to keep under the couch. I just can't imagine how that got lost, can you? If you don't get a card this year, apologies in advance. Know that I am sending you all a card in my mind...hmm, will this strategy work for the aforementioned present debacle? Thinking cap time!
- Apparently, I need an address book for Christmas. Take note, relatives.
- This year we put up two Christmas trees. This is mostly because our basement reaches near sub-zero temperatures in the winter. As we spent most of our free time in the basement, this can be a bit problematic once snow sets in. Especially since we want to keep all of our appendages free from frostbite. So, this winter we've migrated upstairs to our rarely used living room. I just couldn't deny the basement its tree, even if we weren't going to be spending as much time down there. But, I also knew that we had to have a tree to enjoy whilst whittling away the hours upstairs. Thus, two trees.
- Does anyone else find it odd that I worry about hurting the basement's feelings? I mean, it's a room. That right there is the same problem that makes it impossible for me to throw away food. Four mozzarella sticks down and one to go? Someone's gonna eat that stick, dammit. I don't want it to feel sad for not being chosen.
- Sidenote: In what crazy world is there ever an unwanted mozzarella stick? I should have picked a better example. Apologies.
Here is our basement tree. Note the majestic quality of its branches.
And here is our upstairs living room tree. Note the sparse, yet inviting, tree limbs. This is what determination, hard work, and ten dollars at Target's after Christmas sale will get you.

Do you smell that? That, my friend, is the smell of Christmas.
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