Last post of the year. Last post of the decade. Now THAT, my friends, is crazy.
I recall New Year's Eve 1999 and thinking we were all going to die from the dreaded Y2K. I was in high school people. HIGH SCHOOL. Does that not seem totally impossible? I remember like, 2 percent of my high school years and yet they are not even a full decade in the past. I maintain this forgetfulness is due to the extreme crappiness that is high school. Or the teen years in general.
So, on the eve of a new decade, I thought I'd reminisce about some of the highlights of the 2000's--a decade that was very important to me, for so many reasons.
1.) Graduated aforementioned teen hell (aka local high school.)
2.) Made the arduous journey to the fabulous Ball State University and found I loved it so much I decided to stay four years.
3.) Met my bebe (bebe meaning, of course, hetero life mate and friend extraordinaire), Amanda Jo. We had the same English class our Fall semester of freshmen year and happened to live in the same building. Every day after class, she walked approximately 10 feet behind me the whole way home. I sort of noticed this, but as I was in the front of this two person parade, I really had no idea she was back there. That is until she ran up to me one day and said, "I walk behind you every single day. Now I'm just gonna walk next to you." She has never left.
4.) Discovered I love working in libraries. Yay for geekdom!
5.) Met countless friends, both lasting and passing, who helped shape me in to the person I am today. Although the years have not proven to be helpful in maintaining contact, I think of all of you from time to time and realize how lucky I am that none of you killed me for my stupidity. Thank you.
6.) Became an aunt several times over. The 2000's were a busy time for my siblings.
7.) Against all odds, (read: seriously slacking off senior year) I graduated with my B.A. in English Studies, the most useful of all degrees.
8.) Met and fell in love with my husband, Brian. It still shocks me to think that he was right under my nose our whole lives, yet it took me 21 years to find him.
9.) Got married. It was awesome.
10.) Bought a house. Never, ever, ever buy a house that is up for short sale unless you are a zen master. Although I really do love our house. It was worth the wait.
11.) Quickly realized just how much I hate wall paper.
And now, we can look forward to another decade that will bring with it so many unknowns. Some will be good, others will be bad, but based on the success of this last decade, I think the new one will be just as it should.
Happy New Year!