Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday Night Media News

It's Friday evening, I have a frozen pizza in the oven, a fresh bottle of rum and Dr. Pepper (suck on that rum & Coke enthusiasts!), and Netflix has sent us Nothing Like the Holidays starring some people whose names I forget. I belive John Leguizamo is in it. I find his voice somewhat hypnotizing. Kind of like a leprechaun.

This is a recipe for big fun.

I can tell I'm old because this is seriously my idea of a good time. I figure I went out to the bars plenty enough in my wasted youth (pun possibly intended...let me think about it) so that now I can just sit home and enjoy a fine comedy film and feel fine about it. Although, it would be nice to be able to do this with my big city friends. I miss them. (Who am I kidding, really? We'd end up either ignoring the movie, or going out to recall said days of misspent youth.)

In other news, I am currently listening to the soundtrack from the movie New Moon. I know, I know, this potentially makes me a crazed Twilighter. But hear me out--the soundtrack is actually pretty good. Sure, at first the songs make you want to kill yourself with their incessant after song after song about being sad and losing love. I GET IT. You're upset. Can we move on? But it features the song stylings of such fine acts as Deathcab for Cutie, The Killers, and Grizzly Bear, just to name a few.

After about the 3rd round of listening I got over the teenage angst and found a couple of tracks that I really enjoy (Not that I'm dissing teenage angst...I did read the Twilight books. All four of them. Twice.)

So I guess what I'm saying is that any of my family reading this can safely purchase the New Moon soundtrack for me for Christmas. Or, you know, precious gems.

Either is acceptable.


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