Tuesday, October 20, 2009


For the past few days I've been getting headaches pretty much everyday. This is due, in large part, to the fact that every single person in the Northwest side of the city has recently decided to come to the library. Which, I might point out, is great for the library. For my brain, not really.

I am complaining about a stupid thing, I know. But as a person who is relatively headache-free in her normal life, this is seriously annoying.

On a different note, we did not carve pumpkins this weekend as it is due to hit the high 60's in temperature tomorrow. I remain unconvinced. Mother nature is a fickle woman, and I think she lies. Oh, I'll wear a short sleeved shirt tomorrow. You know I will. And you know what? She'll make it snow. Cause that's all she has to do with her time--mess with me.

Oh...also, could anyone explain what delusions of grandeur actually are? Thanks.

I've been in a real wedding state of mind lately. I think it's because of all the wedding-based television so popular today (Thanks, TLC.) I need someone to get married so that I can quiet the wedding withdrawal shakes I've got going on over here.

I've always been a big proponent of weddings. In college I looked online for dresses and cakes and all that jazz (theknot.com is possibly the best thing that ever happened to a teenage Rachael.) Not because I thought I'd get married soon. No, no. It's because I was crazy. I just think weddings are nice. I'm not alone. My college roommate had a similar affliction when we met. Must have been something in the water.

Still though, at a wedding you get to see everyone all dressed up and smiley. Plus there is cake. I like cake. Possibly more than I like weddings. My waistline is a living testament to that statement. Well, that statement and many others concerning my questionable eating and drinking habits. But I digress.

If you are thinking of getting married, why not go for it? Make quick work of it, too. That way I can attend. How's December sound? Great.

Bring Ibuprofen. At this rate, I might have a headache.

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