You are a guest in your own life.
I totally understand that without details this sounds like gibberish to you. But just take a second to think about the worst moments in your life (briefly, of course.) I bet they all came out of left field. And I also bet they all made you feel helpless, like you had no say in your own life and pretty much everything good you ever had suddenly seemed like the product of outrageous luck as opposed to careful planning (or perhaps, for some of us, a series of well-intentioned yet youthfully misguided decisions.)
Some people say they live their lives as if every day is their last. This is meant to express that they have no regrets and could never feel down because they are so high on life blah blah blah. Problem with that philosophy is, who wants to walk around thinking today is their last day on Earth? Hopefully we have many, many more days to come. Isn't the anticipation of where our lives might lead us just as exciting as the day we are experiencing today? Besides, I think those people are just spouting off at the mouth when they claim to live like that.
Each day like it's your last? Oh really? Then why did you pay the mortgage? Hmm? Riddle me that, wild man. What other crazy things would you do on your last day? Eat more fiber? Maybe make out a living will?
But I digress.
Having had such a crap-infused week, I'm inclined to take a few minutes and remind myself of the good things that surround me everyday. I encourage you to do the same.
Tomorrow will be better. At the risk of sounding like a new age hippie, I'm gonna go ahead and say that we shouldn't spend our time worrying about what day will be our last, or what tomorrow will bring, or even what life mantra we should adhere to. I don't need a mantra. There is no accurate, one-size-fits-all mantra. I just know that I have love in my life, there is beauty all around us, and we should just take a few minutes to appreciate that.
And then, when all else fails, we can just completely lose our sh*t.
(plant life in front yard)

(flowering plant life)