Hello there!
So, I took a really long break. Apologies.
I began to feel like my head might explode. And, frankly, that sounded messy. So I took some time away from the world. I went down to see my girls (the first loves of my life...sorry Brian) and be part of their bustling metropolis-style lives. And, more recently, scheduled a few days off of work and really took some time away from the world. Like, hibernation style seclusion. Let me just say this--naps are the bricks with which we should pave the road to world peace. If we all took more naps, the world would be a better place. Of this I am confident.
I'm thinking the exploding head syndrome is holiday related (seeing as it happens every year) and am hoping to brainstorm a way around it for the next, oh, twenty to fifty years ahead. Stay tuned.
Also, in belatedly interesting news, I finally got a tattoo while I was down visiting my friends . I really like it. I'm confident that somewhere out there my father just clutched his chest in a mixture of sadness and disappointment. But, what can I say? If this is the worst thing I ever do, he got off light. In my observations, children serve few other purposes besides causing trouble for their parents. I WAS JUST DOING MY JOB, DAD.
So, I took a really long break. Apologies.
I began to feel like my head might explode. And, frankly, that sounded messy. So I took some time away from the world. I went down to see my girls (the first loves of my life...sorry Brian) and be part of their bustling metropolis-style lives. And, more recently, scheduled a few days off of work and really took some time away from the world. Like, hibernation style seclusion. Let me just say this--naps are the bricks with which we should pave the road to world peace. If we all took more naps, the world would be a better place. Of this I am confident.
I'm thinking the exploding head syndrome is holiday related (seeing as it happens every year) and am hoping to brainstorm a way around it for the next, oh, twenty to fifty years ahead. Stay tuned.
Also, in belatedly interesting news, I finally got a tattoo while I was down visiting my friends . I really like it. I'm confident that somewhere out there my father just clutched his chest in a mixture of sadness and disappointment. But, what can I say? If this is the worst thing I ever do, he got off light. In my observations, children serve few other purposes besides causing trouble for their parents. I WAS JUST DOING MY JOB, DAD.

But, more to the point, I was introduced to the glory of Five Guys Cheeseburgers while in Indianapolis. Oh. My. Goodness. I wish I never knew. I really do. Because now, whenever I have a day off and get mildly hungry, I IMMEDIATELY think about going to get a cheeseburger from this fine establishment. And the me tell you, this is not something one should eat on any kind of regular basis. You can literally see the grease dripping from your food. But it is the most delicious grease I have ever tasted.
I actually said to Brian yesterday, "We cannot go to Five Guys this weekend." He looked at me with a mixture of amusement and disappointment because I'm pretty sure he thought I was kidding. But no, I am not kidding. I need to break this addiction before it gets out of hand.
I actually said to Brian yesterday, "We cannot go to Five Guys this weekend." He looked at me with a mixture of amusement and disappointment because I'm pretty sure he thought I was kidding. But no, I am not kidding. I need to break this addiction before it gets out of hand.
Then again, I understand his disappointment. I will also be counting down the days until we can go again. To get a cheeseburger. And fries. And, of course, a Diet Coke. You know, to CUT CALORIES.