Spring is here!
Do you know what this means? Just a few more months until the threat of snow is gone! Ah, the Midwest. Gotta love it.
But I've truly been enjoying the weather lately. It's just warm enough to go without a coat, but still cold enough that layering is okay. And trust me, if anyone needs the help of layering, it's someone coming out of a long, cold, harsh, brownie-filled winter. By the
time summer rolls around I'll be ready for tank tops, BUT NO SOONER.
I've definitely got the
Spring cleaning itch. There is a room in our house that is used, more or less, as a tragic dumping ground for everything we don't feel like dealing with. Random decorative knickknacks, boxes of old paperwork and mail that needs shredding, crap that I've saved since high school and keep around because it's just so ridiculous. They all go to this room to die.
Let's have a moment of silence to commemorate their sacrifice. For my level of procrastination could not exist without them. Farewell, my friends.
Lately I've been bothered by the fact that this room is a sorry waste of space. Turning this room into something more useful like, say, a shrine to former first lady Barbara Bush, a ham-curing warehouse, or guest room isn't really high up on our list of "Things We'd Like To Do With All That Spare Cash We Have Just Sitting Around" (Please read those quotations with heavy sarcasm,) but it would be oh so appealing to be able to walk through the room without battling massive pieces of luggage.
Although I CLEARLY have a deep desire to learn the prosciutto business, I'm having a hard time motivating myself to actually
clean the room. I find it difficult to get rid of stuff. I'm sort of like a mild version of a pack rat. Or, if you ask Brian, maybe not so mild. But that's only because he is super organized. I like to think that I'm enriching his life by showing him the ways of creative storage. You see that empty space of floor? That can be a closet! Or, if you are feeling saucy, your very own collection of mail! See the stamp dating back to 2001? YOU DON'T FIND THAT JUST ANYWHERE.
No, I exaggerate. But I seriously am a messy person. As is evidenced by this room. Maybe I'll fix it up and do a before and after shot. But first I must gather the proper motivation required to purge several years of crap. The horror.
If I had to place bets, I'd say a large amount of cursing and frustration is in the near future. Not to mention a rockin' picture of
Barbara that is just waiting for it's time to shine.
Happy Spring!

(Backyard at sunset)